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We don't like talking to machines. They are cold, robotic and simply unhuman.

We created SiteWelder from the ground up so you can have a real human relationship with us. From setting up your website to getting ongoing help with any questions or problems, we're here to help. Talk to us directly in real phone conversations, not through an automated trouble-ticket system. (You can always email us with questions as well)

Our users love our personal touch - we help them optimize their website display, search engine placement and much more. Think of us as your personal website concierge service. We know that you have real human questions and will always help you in a friendly and real human way.

Frish Photo"I launched my first SiteWelder website in January 2008 and I have been consistently pleased, through many iterations and updates, over these 7 years! The ease of updating images and appearance, the visual impact of the designs, and the effective and friendly customer service combine to make SiteWelder an outstanding experience.

I want to give special kudos to Sandee and Rily, who repeatedly have provided amazing tech support!"

-Rich Frishman,  frishphoto.com

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